Dr. Liza Idelchik

Brooklyn & Pomona Dentist - Dr. Liza Idelchik

Raised in New York City, Dr. Idelchik is a pediatric dentist who strives to provide the very best dental care to children of all ages and needs. With all of her experience and education, Dr. Idelchik offers her young patients care with compassion and empathy with a commitment to excellence in preventative, restorative and surgical dentistry. She thinks outside of the box while taking special pride in treating your children and making them feel excited to come see the dentist!

Education & Residency:

Dr. Idelchik received her Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from NYU College of Dentistry with an honor in Pediatric Dentistry and graduated in the top 2% of her class. She was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) for academic performance and excellence and was class president whilst dedicating additional clinical time with children in the Pediatric Honors Program. She continued her education by completing an additional residency at the prestigious and highly competitive Columbia Medical Center/New York Presbyterian Hospital where she gained ample experience treating medically complex children and special needs children in collaboration with Morgan Stanley Children’s hospital. Since her own son suffered from a tethered oral tissue, she is especially passionate and empathetic in this area. She continued education beyond residency in Tongue and Lip Ties and is excited to provide safe and effective procedures using a state-of-the-art laser in our modern office.

Awards and Certifications:

Dr. Idelchik has also been the recipient of numerous awards and merits including the AAPD Predoctoral Student Award which is given to a single student who shows most promise in Pediatric Dentistry, The Eleanor Bushee Senior Student Dental Award which is presented to a female student for outstanding leadership and academic performance, The Dr. Bernard E. Rudner Memorial Award which is presented to a senior student who has demonstrated superior performance in providing oral comprehensive care and administering a dental practice, The Rahmsdorf Scholarship, was a recipient of the NYU Dentistry Merit Based Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Community Service, The Dean Edward G. Kaufman Merit Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Selective in Teaching Skills Appreciation Award and Dean Edward G. Kaufman Award for Academic Excellence and many others.​ She has also been selected as TopDoctor in 2021 for providing outstanding care to her patients.


Dr. Idelchik  commits her time to giving back to the community, not only locally, but internationally where she treated underprivileged children in Surkhet, Nepal.

In her spare time, Dr. Idelchik is a parent herself to a baby boy, loves to run, and spend time with her family and her sweet dog, Masie. She has always had an artistic passion and enjoys sketching and painting. She also loves bonding over dentistry with her mother who happens to be our beloved Dr. Anna Alekseyeva.

Professional Associations

Brooklyn & Pomona Dentist - Dr. Liza Idelchik