What Do I Do If My Tooth Is Cracked Underneath My Crown?

What Do I Do If My Tooth Is Cracked Underneath My Crown?

Ouch! It hurts to bite down. It hurts to chew. It hurts when you drink something cold. These may all be signs that you are experiencing a cracked tooth, even if a dental crown has been placed over it. If you suspect you may have a cracked tooth, contact your dentist right away for the best chance at saving the …

young woman sitting on bed holding her jaw in pain

What Can You Do for a Cracked Baby Tooth?

According to The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, children should visit a dentist by the time they are a year old. Why? Because good oral hygiene begins with your child’s first baby tooth. Although baby teeth fall out in a few years, these teeth serve as space holders for permanent teeth. And without good oral care, …